Technical Visits - 2024

International Benchmarking Water, Effluents and Waste Brazil

During IFAT Brazil (April 24-26, 2024), we will have a special program of technical visits in partnership with the corporate and environmental consulting firm LAVORO Solutions, providing real-life experience and the opportunity to see in operation the operational infrastructures, equipment, services and technologies in solid waste management, water and wastewater treatment that will be available for detailed analysis during the working week of the Fair. During the technical visits, which will begin on Monday, April 22 and end on Friday, March 26, there will be a final stop at IFAT on April 25 and 26, allowing participants to see the details of the technologies in operation up close and in practice.

Mês atual

22abrDia todo(Dia todo: Segunda) VT CTR SeropédicaConcessionária CICLUS: Gestão de Resíduos, Valorização do Biogás (Biometano e Energia elétrica), Tratamento de Chorume (Osmose Reversa e MBR) e Estação de Transbordo Rio de Janeiro Palestrantes

23abrDia todo(Dia todo: Terça) VT Concessionária ECOURBISColeta seletiva, Triagem mecanizada e Transbordo de Resíduos – São Paulo (manhã)Palestrantes

24abrDia todo(Dia todo: Quarta) VT Aterro sanitário de CaieirasEssencis/SOLVI – São Paulo (tarde)                                Palestrantes

25abrDia todo(Dia todo: Quinta) VT Estação de Tratamento de Água da Nova Opersan: Ozonização e Eficiência Energética Palestrantes

26abrDia todo(Dia todo: Sexta) VT Estação de Tratamento de Águas Residuais da TERA Ambiental: Tratamento de Efluentes e Lodo Palestrantes

Mês atual

22abrDia todo(Dia todo: Segunda) VT CTR SeropédicaConcessionária CICLUS: Gestão de Resíduos, Valorização do Biogás (Biometano e Energia elétrica), Tratamento de Chorume (Osmose Reversa e MBR) e Estação de Transbordo Rio de Janeiro Palestrantes

Mês atual

23abrDia todo(Dia todo: Terça) VT Concessionária ECOURBISColeta seletiva, Triagem mecanizada e Transbordo de Resíduos - São Paulo (manhã)Palestrantes

Mês atual

24abrDia todo(Dia todo: Quarta) VT Aterro sanitário de CaieirasEssencis/SOLVI - São Paulo (tarde)                                Palestrantes

Mês atual

25abrDia todo(Dia todo: Quinta) VT Estação de Tratamento de Água da Nova Opersan: Ozonização e Eficiência Energética Palestrantes

Mês atual

26abrDia todo(Dia todo: Sexta) VT Estação de Tratamento de Águas Residuais da TERA Ambiental: Tratamento de Efluentes e Lodo Palestrantes

What can I expect from these Technical Visits?

For four days, we will provide an immersion in the best national references in the environmental sanitation sector in Brazil, focusing especially on urban solid waste management, water and wastewater treatment. The technical visits have been designed to offer a high-quality experience, with the aim of strengthening networking and promoting the exchange of knowledge between professionals, companies and public bodies.

Why take part in the Water, Effluent and Waste Brazil International Benchmarking?

  • International benchmarking: LAVORO, which is internationally renowned for holding environmental events, brings a differentiated and outstanding panorama to the consultancy sector specializing in the environmental sanitation business.
  • Reflection on best practices: Take part in discussions and reflections on best practices in the sector, driving growth and innovation.
  • Quality Networking: Connect with market leaders, experts and professionals from the sector during scheduled technical visits.

Do you want to know more about this Benchmarking and how this initiative can add value to your knowledge and business? Contact LAVORO Solutions at or for detailed information on the registration fee, payment terms, the itinerary, the companies visited and the experts involved. If you prefer, you can call (21) 25086154 or (21) 996793228.

Secure your place now, there are only a limited number of participants!!!


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