Water and Sewage Management

The Water and Sewage Management sector at IFAT Brasil seeks to serve all companies that offer environmental technology solutions to develop the current market and investment projections that meet future goals.

Water Service %

Target - 99%



North East



Sewer Service %

Target - 99%



North East



Heat map of water investments until 2033

R$ 21.411.941.473,52

R$ 15.363.137,54

Heat map of sewage investments until 2033

R$ 24.363.860.939,99

R$ 67.415.193,08

Market Trends

Event target audience

Fonte: Investimentos (BNDES, BID and BIRD banco de dados de transparência, 2022) Cresc. Pop. IBGE, 2018) Gasto Público (SNIS (Sistema Nacional de Informação de Saneamento), 2021) Resultados (MM-BR, 2022)

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