Kronox is preparing to launch a new line of stainless steel lift stations in 2025


Located in the city of Americana, in the interior of the State of São Paulo, the company develops technologies for sewage and aggressive effluent pumping.

According to the 2022 Demographic Census from IBGE – Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistic – 24.3% of Brazilians residing in households have inadequate sewage solutions, such as rudimentary or open pits. Therefore, ¼ of the population lacks any form of treatment for rivers, lakes or streams that receive their waste.

These data clearly highlight the urgency of developing solutions to meet the basic needs of approximately 50 million Brazilians. Given this scenario, Kronox, a company with five years of experience located in Americana, São Paulo, focuses on the development of technologies for sewage pumping. The company aims to provide solutions for transporting effluents to the sanitary sewer system or treatment plants.

João Victor Rodrigues, technical sales representative at Kronox, states, “Kronox specializes in developing technologies for directly pumping sewage and aggressive effluents inline. This represents a new approach to conventional lift stations. Currently, we work with equipment in dry wells directly connected to the sewer network. This way, we can reduce installation, operational, and maintenance costs while enhancing convenience for the population, by minimizing odors and issues caused by pests”.

Rodrigues also highlights the new stainless steel lift stations, a metal structure that turns sewage lift stations into plug-and-play equipment. “The tank is practically fully assembled at the factory, so when the customer receives it all that is needed is installation, and it’s ready for operation. We also offer the Elevatória 4.0 line, designed to align with market trends in automation and IoT (Internet of Things), seamlessly connecting the lift station directly to the cloud.”

The lift stations are designed as wells equipped with pumps installed at the bottom, enabling the efficient movement of sewage from lower points to higher elevations, ultimately directing it to a sewage treatment plant. As dry wells, Kronox’s lift stations effectively reduce the risk of soil contamination from leachate leaks while achieving operational and maintenance cost reduction of up to 50%.

IFAT is an excellent platform to showcase our equipment. The Brazilian population still faces a significant deficit in sewage and water treatment systems. Therefore, having a space to present our solutions to the market and the public is of great importance. The 2024 edition was very positive, and 2025 aims to be even better”, concludes Rodrigues.

With the goal of developing disruptive technologies for the sanitation sector, Kronox do Brasil will be present at IFAT Brasil – International Fair for Water, Sewage, Drainage and Waste Recovery Solutions – with equipment that pumps effluents without the need for a wet well, eliminating odors, screening, sand traps, and shredders.

12 de October de 2024